Did you know that there is a Country Victorian owned and operated business with years of experience that can supply all your back to school requirements from Booklist Supplies to Text and Student Workbooks to Teacher Resource Materials to Bulk Supplies.
In todays world where businesses are so dominated by large national companies it is nice to come across a country Victorian family owned business who puts its customers first whilst still remaining price competitive
After all, you are dealing with the owner of the business
We offer an all encompassing package, with emphasis on making the process as hassle free as possible for the school and a booklist that offers value for money for your families
Your Options
The starter packs provide the students in each class with a box containing a set range of products as specified by the school and teaching staff.
A lot of products used in primary schools are specialised and not always available from your chain stores and therefore students turn up to school with the incorrect product.
The advantages of this type of system include:
Each box is clearly labelled with the year level for quick & easy identification on distribution day.
Distribution of boxes can be handled by the school or we can come to the school on a mutually agreed date
Whether you are a primary school or secondary, when it comes to individual student booklists you cannot go past Education Plus
We have the most friendly online ordering system for your families.
Your booklist can include any school charges, fees and levies.
Booklists are submitted online.
Parents complete the booklist online. Once submitted on line they will
receive a return email acknowledging their order.
Students/families are provided a login code to access their particular school and year level, booklists are then completed online using our comprehensive on line ordering system. Schools can have complete control over the preparation of the online booklists using our user friendly booklist program.
If you do not feel confident in doing this yourself, after consultation with you, we can build the online booklists for you.
The traditional primary school back to school order has been for bulk supplies for the classrooms where the school orders class supplies in bulk. We provide a comprehensive back to school catalogue and electronic order form for teachers to compile their orders. Orders can be place online via our website, via email or by completing our electronic BTS order spreadsheet.
Your supplies are individually packed according to your original order....by year level, by room or what ever format you prefer. These orders are then delivered to the school on agreed
delivery date.